Sunday, January 22, 2012


Follow The Leader

Christ is the leader and we are suppose to be followers
of Him.  Some people seem to get that concept confused.
They think they are the leaders and Christ is suppose to
follow after them. This concept would not be confusing if
we would choose to live our daily lives for Christ and let
Him guide us. 

We need to put our complete faith and trust in Him so He can
show us what direction He wants us to go in.  We have to let
go and let God lead our every step of the way.  We have to
give up our complete will to Him.  In the end, we will earn our
way into heaven.

God is teaching us to be submissive followers instead of hardcore
leaders.  Christ has the keys to all that we need and if we want to
lead others to Jesus, we ourselves have to learn to put out faith
and trust in Him and to follow Him wherever He leads us.  If we
truly want God to lead us, we have to be willing to follow Him at
all times.

[Jesus] said to him, “FOLLOW ME” (Luke 5:27).

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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