Saturday, January 14, 2012


Questions & Answers

When you ask questions it is very crucial to
find the correct answers to those questions.
When we witness to unbelievers in the world
to tell them the good news about Jesus Christ,
we shouldn’t run ahead of God’s Spirit as we
talk to them.  When we do this the answers that
they are seeking to the questions asked are
incorrect.  The answers we give them are
prepackaged and incorrect because we didn’t fully
listen to their questions and let God give us the
correct answers. 

The Spirit of the Lord will create the right questions
in our hearts and He will make them ready for the
right answer who is Jesus Christ.  We just have to
let the Spirit take charge of our lives to answer
these questions, not let us/self jump ahead and
try to answer the questions.  Whenever self gets
in the way there is a problem/trouble.

God is our rock and we can always depend on His
presence in our lives to guide us.  Let God answer
all questions.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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