Thursday, January 19, 2012


I surrender/I Give Up

When you were a child you might have played
a game called, “I Surrender” or “I Give Up”.

This game requires two people.  Each person
clasp his fingers with the other person’s fingers
and push back against the other person’s hand
making that person say, “I Surrender” when they
can’t take the pain any longer.

Sometimes we try that same game with God. 
We ask God for a specific thing and we continue
to ask for it, trying to bend God’s fingers back
and get Him to give in.  God does not work like that.

He wants honesty in our heart when we pray, not
begging or bargaining.  We don’t want our honesty
to become a demanding spirit either which sometimes

When we pray we shouldn’t be giving orders to God,
we should be reporting to God to give us our orders.

Our orders/commands are to go out and get God’s
Word out to the people of this world to let them
know God loves them.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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