Friday, January 13, 2012


JOY-Even When You Are Poor

With money you can buy many things.  The things
you buy with money makes you happy and gives
you pleasure/joy.

There is nothing wrong with that but you should
never depend on money to make you happy.
Remember, if your happiness depends on the things
you buy with money, you will be destroyed and
unable to accept it when you lose them.

If your joy and happiness is deeply rooted in the
LORD JESUS CHRIST, there will be nothing that can
disrupt it, not even the economic unrest happening
in this world today.

Yes, even when you are economically poor you can
still have joy in your heart through the LORD.  Being
happy depends on having JESUS in your heart.  You
might be poor now but those who lay/store up
treasures in heaven are really the richest people on
earth.  Earthly possessions are temporary, your true
riches/wealth is in heaven.

Make sure yours is stored in heaven.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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