Sunday, January 22, 2012



Satan is like a hidden snake ready to attack and kill

Satan is like a hidden rattler.  He lays low, therefore
we are caught off guard when he comes in our presence.
He is clever and he is deceiving.  With his cunning ways he
causes us to fall. 

God guides us through our daily life.  When we become
successful, sometimes pride and self-reliance creeps in
our heart.  We start to believe we became successful on
our own.  We forget that God is the one who brought us
through all of our trials and tribulations.  We lose our trust
in God.

The way we can beat that is to always be alert.  We need
to be vigilant and sober.  We need to always read God’s
Word.  We need to always stay prayerful and always keep
God in our thoughts, heart and our life.  We need to receive
God’s Holy Spirit in our life to teach us.

And even though Satan has many enticements, we pray to
God to master all of our temptations.  God will give us His
grace to say no to all of our temptations.

Going through life’s tribulations will give us strong perseverance.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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