Friday, January 13, 2012


Who Knows What You Need?

God knows what you need before you even ask Him for it,
(Matthew 6:8).
God gives you the privilege to speak to Him and ask of Him
what you want.
Now what you want is not necessarily what you need.
God gives you what you need.  Your duty is to listen to what
God says.
He tells you what you need to hear.  Your main focus should
be to do God’s will and the best way to know God’s will is to
say to the Father that you are willing to do His will.
“Lord, what do you want me to do?” (Act 9:5-6).  You also
want God to know that you love Him and the best way to
express your love is to obey Him.  Through obedience you
can experience God’s love for you.
You not only are to be obedient to God but you must serve
God the rest of your life because He is the King of your life.
He wants to be the center of your life, after all He gave
Himself as a sacrifice for you and I.
He is waiting for you in heaven.  God truly knows what you need. 
Trust in Him.  Put Him first in your life always.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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