Friday, January 20, 2012


Every Day

Every day as soon as I wake up, I get on my knees
and pray to God my Father. Then I go in the living
room so I don’t disturb my husband who is still
asleep and I read/meditate on God’s Holy Word the

Now after giving God my time first in the morning,
I am ready to start my day.  If I have any type of
problem during the day, I go before God my Father
and He answers my prayers.  No matter how big or
how small my problems are God is always there to
answer my prayers.  God is never too busy to answer
my prayers.

The world is full of many people but God has time to
answer each one of us individually.  He knows each
one of us by name.  He has excellent memory. 

God’s love is so great that you can’t even measure it.
God always have time to answer each one of our

Only those who fear God has that personal intimacy
with Him.  They put their faith and trust in God and
not in themselves.

God will answer us whenever we call upon His Name.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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