Monday, January 16, 2012


Three Storms

I classify storms in three categories:  Natural,
Personal, and Spiritual.

The natural storm destroys nature.  It destroys
the environment you live in.  Destruction is all
around you.

The personal storm destroys your life.  It can
consist of losing your job.  It can consist of losing
a loved one.  It can consist of losing your peace of

And your spiritual storm is against your soul.  Satan
is on one side telling you to do evil, Christ is on the
other side saying do good.  In this storm there is no
in between.  You have to make a choice good or evil.

All of these storms have a bright ending.  When the
sun comes out the natural storm ends.  Personal storms
are over with right decision made.  Spiritual storms end
with Christ in your life.

The Son of God controls all three storms.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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