Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Do You Serve Satan Or God?

Is Your Soul Right With God?  Be Sure.

I ask this question because your actions go hand in
hand with Satan not with God’s. 

When forgiveness was asked for, it was not given.  A
person under Satan’s control would not forgive.  No
one is saying to forget but forgive.

You’ve been through a lot but keep in mind what led
up to your troubles.  It takes two.  Only God’s love will
heal your heart to help you forgive. 

Not letting go and letting God is what’s stopping you. 
Now you have to deal with God the Father to help you.

He sent His son to be crucified for our sins.  Jesus forgave
His killers before He died.  He said, “Father, forgive them,
for they know not what they do.”  Why do you place yourself
higher than Christ who was crucified?

You need to look at your life right now and see where you
truly stand with God.  Are you with Him or are you against Him?
Do you serve Satan or do you truly walk with God?

Only God knows the real truth.  Repent Now.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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