Saturday, January 14, 2012


*How Do You Handle Adversity?

*You have to get the grasp of the reality of sin.  For sin
is destructive.  Sin is also poison and you get sick or
die from poison. Adversity is a direct result of human sin.

*You have to get a grasp of the importance of faith.  If you
put your faith and trust in God, it will grow, (II Corinthians 1:10).
Faith in God helps you to deal with the adversity of sin,
(II Corinthians 12:7-10).

* You have to grasp the priority of character in your life
not comfort.  Adversity gives you patience, mercy, hope
and goodness, (Romans 5:3-5).  God is concern about
your character growing.  Overcome evil for good.

*You have to grasp the goodness of God’s character and
His alternate solution.  God can take the worse adversity
in your life and change it to goodness.  He can wipe out all
suffering.  God is good.

*You have to learn to live with mystery.  You will not be able
to understand God unless He chooses to reveal it to you.
Even when you don’t see God’s hand in the adversity you are
facing you know His heart.  God will bless you to live with
humility of unanswered questions.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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