Thursday, January 12, 2012


What Does No Mean?

Children are the most precious and important people
in the world.  They are so innocent and they are so
truthful.  But don’t say no to them when they want
something.  That preciousness flies right out the

We as adults have to teach our children at a young
age to accept it when no is said to them.  This will
help them to handle any disappointment in their life
more effectively especially when they get older.  This
will also help them to submit to God’s will more readily.

When King David sinned, God forgave him but he still
had to pay for the wrong action he took.  God allowed
his son to die.  He fasted and prayed but God still took
his son’s life.  God said no to him. 

This lets us know that sometimes we must accept no
from God as the answer to our cries.  Even in times of
great difficulty or loss we should always seek God’s help
and deliverance.

Trust God even if He doesn’t answer our prayers the way
we want Him to.  For in His will is our peace.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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