Thursday, January 19, 2012



Hope is what gets you up in the morning and
stared on your daily routine.  When you lose
hope, you lose heart.

Hope is a desire that longs for fulfillment.  Some
of us long for our children’s health and for them
to find Christ.

Hope is a precious gift.  We are to keep hope
against hope.  This happens when you let all
human efforts go.  When you stop taking things
into your own hands and put them in God’s hands.

Whatever hope that God has given you, trust in it.
God will fulfill His promise.  Your hope comes alive
when you keep your complete faith and trust in God
no matter what the circumstances.

When your hope grows, your faith grows too, (Hebrew 11:1).
Faith and hope are related.  Faith is what we hope for. 
Faith is what we do not see.  We grow more faith by
hearing God.  We grow more faith when we understand
what God is saying.  We grow more faith when we trust
in God and this give us hope and trust in Him.

We trust God by obeying what He tells us to do.

Verified Information January 2007

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