Tuesday, January 31, 2012


God’s Labor of Love

The Gospel is about God’s labor of love.
During Christmas, we labor in love.  The
Gospel of God’s love is about freedom.

Christ’s mission was to set us free from sin.
The Gospel touches all of us and all of creation.

We are all in sin but when we believe in Jesus,
we are set free, (Galatians 3:22).  We were
held prisoners by the law.  We were unable to
keep the law.  It was a reminder that we were

Now by faith in Jesus Christ we are set free.
In God’s gift of love we are loved equally.

Before Christ came, we were under the law and
couldn’t receive the inheritance God had for us
but after Christ came, we are now able to receive
the inheritance of God.

When we talk about Christmas we talk about freedom.
God sent His son to set us free.  Jesus sets you free
from bad things and free from good things but the
greatest of all freedom is to be set free from sin.

Copyright 2006 by Florence Wiggins & ilovepoetry.com

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