Thursday, January 26, 2012


The Storm

Suffering is something each person goes through
in their life at some time or another.  How you
respond to that suffering will either make or break

If you let God be your dwelling place, no storm in
life that comes your way will defeat you.  Don’t
try to brave the storm under your own strength.

If you wait on the Lord God He will renew your
strength.  These storms that you go through here
on earth helps to focus on the next life’s joys,
(1 Peter 1:6).

Keeping your faith and trust in God and not worrying
about making it through these storms will lead to
victory because God can turn something tragic into a
triumphful victory.

Something good can come out of something evil.  The
best example is Christ’s death.  It was evil that they
crucified Christ on the cross but the good from that
evil is to the world Salvation.

We are redeemed through His blood.  So remember,
any storm that you are going through God will bring
you out peacefully.

Verify Poem – LEAGUE OF American Poets

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