Friday, January 13, 2012


Vision That Transforms

When you receive the Spirit of the Lord, there
is a change in your life.  When you read about
the Lord Jesus Christ in the Books of the Bible
and when you accept and yield to the Holy Spirit
of God, your life is changed.

You become a different person.  You are being
transformed into the image from glory to glory,
just as by the Spirit of the Lord, (2 Corinthians 3:18).

You then have the desire and will to become more
like Jesus.  Your main focus and highest desire will
be to please Him.  Christ then will reign supremely
in your grateful heart.

Every day you will strive to be more like Christ your
Savior.  You want your life to reflect Jesus Christ as
though you are looking in a mirror.  Whatever you
do or say the question should be, “Would Christ do
or say that”?  If the answer is no, then you shouldn’t
do or say it because Christ wouldn’t. 

When Christ enters your life you are transformed into
a new/better person.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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