Sunday, January 15, 2012


A Politically Incorrect Love

Is your life being used by God to love?

God’s love should be the most powerful influence
in your life. 

God’s love should pressure you to live right.  We
live to be loved by God.  God should be the object
of your love.  Your love for life should compel you.
You should want God’s love to empower you.

God’s love is the greatest love in the universe.  You
want to be set free by His love.

God’s love for you never ceases to change.

God’s love teaches you to die to self so you can
live for Him.  For we are dead in Adam and
transformed through God’s grace and love.

The Civil Rights Movement was fueled through
God’s love.  Rosa Parks didn’t stand because her
feet hurt, she wanted to be treated equally.

Martin Luther King who just became a pastor
spoke about what Rosa Parks did.  He stated that
people were tired of being treated differently.

Love must be our regulating idea.  We are to pray
to God the Father to give us His love in our hearts
so we can love all people.

Copyright  2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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