Thursday, January 12, 2012


Falling Into His Arms

When a mother eagle build a nest for her young, she
uses different materials and the last thing she puts
into the nest are the feathers from her breast.  This
makes the nest padded and comfortable.

When it is time for the little eagles to learn how to
fly, the mother eagle will mess up the nest so the
little eagles won’t be comfortable in the nest. 

She takes one little eagle from the nest, fly high up
in the sky and let the eagle free-fall.  She is watching
nearby to see if her little one will fly, if not she catches
him.  He is safe and secure.

The mother eagle represents God.  When we are unsure
of life, don’t know which way to turn, afraid we are
going to land hard on our feet, we have to remember
that God is there to rescue us.  He will spread His
everlasting arms of love beneath us.  Each time He catches
us we are taught something new.

When we fall into God’s arms we have nothing to fear. 
God is our safety net and will be there for us when we fall.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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