Saturday, January 14, 2012


Maturing In Character To Witness For Christ

Spiritual Litmus Part III

We need to abide in Christ.  Learning His word
will guide us.  If we are not in His word, we will
not produce fruits.

God chose us, we did not choose Him.  He appointed
us to bare fruits.  God wants to empower us to witness
for Him. 

Everything we need, God has given us through our
knowledge of Him.  As our relationship grows with
God, our power gets stronger.  God’s goodness allows
us to receive this power.  Through this relationship,
we have His promises.

When we trust God’s promises, His power is displayed
in our lives.  This helps us to reflect the nature of Christ
in us to others. 

Let God’s spirit produce more goodness in you.  If you
have these qualities in you, your character will continue
to grow.

When God is the center of your life, all inside you is
Holy.  You want to be God’s disciples, no more slavery
to sin, no more neglecting the Bible.

Salvation is free.  Discipleship is hard work.  Trust God
to set you free.  The truth will set you free. 

Are you maturing in your character and witness for Christ?

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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