Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Controlling Your Anger

What causes one to be angry?

Anger comes when we have a deep desire
for something and we can’t get it.

Sometimes when we finally get what we wanted,
we’re left with an unsatisfied feeling.

Anger can lead to killing, jealously and rage.  Rage
comes about when that anger is not checked.  It’s like
how a tornado is being formed.  First you have small
winds.  Those winds become larger and larger.  The
larger the winds the more destruction around its
surroundings.  The same thing applies to anger.

Anger starts out with being unhappy or dissatisfied. 
Then you not only think about being dissatisfied but
you start to act upon doing something about it.  In
the end there is destruction which turns to rage.

We should always ask God to meet our needs in His
time and in His way.  As Christ has said, “Not My will
but Thy will be done.”

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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