Wednesday, January 18, 2012


God Knows You

God knows everything about us.  He know what
we are thinking before the thought comes into
our mind.  He knows how we are feeling at all
times.  He knows the choices we are about to make.

We should be grateful to God and give Him our
praises daily because from the start of the day
until the end of the night God’s attention to all
our affairs are daily given.  There is not one day
that goes by that God is not aware of our daily needs.

There are Arctic sea birds called guillemots that live on
the rocky coastal cliffs.  They gather in this area by
the thousands.  With this crowded condition, the
females lay their eggs side by side but each female
knows her egg.

If an egg is moved from its original place, the mother
of that egg will recognize it and put it back in its
original place.

God knows each and every person, even in a crowd.
God knows who you are and He loves you.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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