Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Ice-Cream Man

Temptation is like the ice-cream man.

An ice-cream man rides in his truck that is very
colorful and it attracts the youth of today to go
and buy ice-cream.

Temptation is something that you see and want
that is beautiful to you but you know you shouldn’t
have it.

The way children can avoid going to the ice-cream
man is when they hear the music run away from it.
Don’t go toward the truck.

The way we can avoid temptation is to stay away
from what appeals to our weaknesses.  Don’t give
in to it.  Run away from it.

We as believers are tempted to sin but that doesn’t
mean that we have to give in to it.

If we trust in God He will provide us with the strength
to be victorious over any evil enticements, (1 Corinthians

We have to do our part in staying away from those
situations that will cause us to sin.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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