Friday, January 13, 2012



Being a Christian means trying to live your life
as Christ live His life.  Christ is the only person
that is perfect.  We have to strive to be like

We as Christians share our faith or we give our
testimony by witnessing the good news of Jesus
Christ.  We tell others of Jesus’ grace, love and
forgiveness.  We tell others of Jesus’ tender
mercies and sacrifices. 

When we tell someone the wonderful story about
how Jesus can transform a person’s life who better
to tell that story other than a Christian who has been

There is no substitute for a firsthand witness.  The
firsthand witness can see the change.  “That which
we have seen and heard we declare to you”, (1 John 1:3).
Lawyers are not the people Jesus needs, witnesses
are the people Jesus needs to get His message of love,
grace, truth, mercy and forgiveness to the world.

If you are an eyewitness of Christ, spread the good
news about Him to the entire world.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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