Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Tried and True

There are people in our lives that promise to
do something but don’t keep their word.

You might have a family member that promise
to visit you because you haven’t seen them in
many years.  They don’t come at the appointed
time and in some cases not at all.

You might be ill at another time and your family
member promises to visit you in the hospital. 
They don’t come.

A close relative dies and a close friend promise to
be there at the funeral to give you support.  They
don’t call or show up.

We can’t do anything about somebody who makes
a promise to you but don’t keep it.  We can ourselves
be faithful, tried and true to our friends. 

If we make a promise we are to keep that promise no
matter what it takes.

If we keep our faith and trust in God, He will create
in all of us a steadfast spirit.

Faithfulness is one fruit of the Spirit.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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