Wednesday, January 25, 2012


God Prepares Me

It seems that no matter what good I try to do, I
am blamed for something else. 

Sometimes it seems that life is not fair but I know
that GOD is preparing me for a big task ahead.  He
is molding me like a potter molds his clay.

But first GOD has to knead me and make me strong.
As a potter gets all the air pockets out of the clay, GOD
gets all the doubt/sin out of my heart.  Once that is done, I
am ready to be mold/formed into the image/person
GOD wants me to be.

As a potter continues to work on his clay/form, GOD
continues to work with/in me day after day.  When
the potter has the form he wants, he lets it dry completely
then he puts it in the kiln to be fired.  Then he glazes the
piece and returns it back to the kiln.

GOD continues to work with me each day.  I will never be
perfect, for CHRIST was the only perfect being.  There
will never be another like HIM. 

Prepare me FATHER to do your complete will for my life.

Thank You JESUS.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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