Monday, January 16, 2012



Your destiny is your fate.
It is what’s supposed to happen in the future.
Can we control this future?
No, it is destined to happen.
It is said to be predetermined.
I believe in God guiding my course.
The events that happen happens for a reason.
I dare not say that God is wrong.
I have to accept what happens.
In the long run it’s best for me, even though at
that time I don’t see it.
As time goes on the truth is revealed to me.
I understand why my life took this course.
God is ruling my life not fate and whichever way
He directs me, I will go.
Put your faith and trust in God, He will lead you
in the right direction.

Destiny, What is Destiny?  Destiny is GOD.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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