Monday, January 30, 2012


The Wrath Of God

The pouring of the bowl is the wrath of God.
God’s wrath is Holy, right, Justice…

God’s Judgment has been poured out now at this
time because Israel suppressed the truth.  They
believed a lie that they are God instead of giving
God the praise and glory.

Jesus Christ is the highest express of love in
mankind by God the Father.  Christ will reserve
His greatest judgment after the rapture when
He returns.

The Israelites neglected justice, mercy, and
faithfulness.  They appear righteous but deep
inside they are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Unless they repent, they will be doomed, for
Armageddon is coming.  Armageddon is the wrath
of God.  Armageddon is the land of God.  Armageddon
will take place in Israel.

In the mist of suffering and judgment, there will be hope.
God has loved them with everlasting love.  The Old
Covenant will show you needed mercy.  The New Covenant
will give you mercy.  The New Covenant is still in affect

The people of Israel have been revived because God has
made a New Covenant with them.  The Old Covenant
drew us to grace.

History it turning everyone and everything against the
Jewish people.

When God punishes us He offers renewal.  God promises
a national, ethical and political restoration.


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