Friday, January 20, 2012


Instruments of God

You Can Serve Only One Master.

We have to stop grieving the Holy Spirit and be
used by the Holy Spirit, (Ephesians 4:30-32) &
(Ephesians 5:18-21).

When you are controlled by the Spirit of God, you
won’t be controlling other people.  Self-righteousness
leads to your hatred of other people.

We need to stop being ashamed of the Lord Jesus Christ
in public, (Acts 3:1-10 & 4:5-14).

We need to stand up for the Lord.  We need to be bold
in public for the Lord.  We need to stop resisting the Word
of God and be enlightened by the Word of God, (James 1:
16-27 & John 17:17).

If we neglect the Word, we reject the Word.  Don’t just be
hearers of the Word, be doers of the Word.  Seek first His

Sometimes it takes something real bad to happen before
our eyes are opened.  God brings us to this point to open
our eyes.  He brings us to this point because He knows He
will bring us through.  It takes our brokenness, our being
shattered for God to use us.

Life up His Holy Name.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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