Friday, January 20, 2012


God Is In Control

God Has A Purpose For Your Life.

Things might not work out the way we want them to.
God is in control at all times.  We show God that we
trust Him by staying calm and not getting upset.

It may look dark in your life but joy comes in the morning
as long as you hold your peace.  The Lord is directing your
steps, (Proverbs 20:24).

Sometimes God have us to go through something to help
somebody else.  Stop resisting everything that comes your
way.  God has something in mind.

Sometimes God wants you to suffer for somebody else. 
Don’t give up on that person.  God will reward you in the end.

God works in us when we let Him have His way in us.  We are
not to become consumed in our problems because it will
frustrate you.  No matter what trouble comes in your life, you
need to say, “It is well with my soul”.

We are not to be focused on what we don’t have.  It may be a
little cloudy in your life right now.  You are to rise above the

Realize your burdens and turn them over to God right now.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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