Monday, January 30, 2012


Knowing God

New York is a noisy place.  It’s hard to stay still
and know God.  We want to know God more
deeply and personally.

The human race is a God rejecting culture.  It is
dangerous not to have God as priority in our life.

The human race knows there is a God.  They didn’t
glorify God and give thanks to Him. It is dangerous
to refuse to honor and to thank God.  When we do
this we come under the judgment of God.

The war in Iraq will continue and the war on terror
will become more of a treat to this nation.

This nation has to confess its sins to God almighty.
God is to be acknowledged by the American people.

When we fail to honor and acknowledge Him,
destruction will come and as you can see has come
upon this great nation.

We have always remembered 911 as one of the
terrorist threats which was carried out and destroyed

Honor God.


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