Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Christ’s Blessings And Guidance

God blesses us daily.  This is a reminder to let us
know that He is always present in our lives.

We are the ones to make the decision to keep Christ
first in our hearts and in our lives.

If we choose Christ, we will have eternal life in the end.
If we don’t choose Christ, we will have death and eternal
suffering in the end.

Living for God now won’t be easy.  We will face trouble
ahead in this world but our reward will be with Jesus in
heaven to spend the rest of our lives praising Him.

God’s Word is the tool/instrument used to keep us on
course.  If we see that we are going off track, we turn to
God’s Word to lead us in the right direction.

When we accept Christ, He directs us on the right path.
God shows us the right way to go.  While on that journey
and we encounter an enemy, we are to use the weapon of
love toward him. 

Jesus is unique and worthy of our worship and praise at all
times.  Let Him guide your life today.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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