Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Good morning everyone.
I ask for your prayers for Carol Wiggins as she undergoes knee surgery today.  Pray that God directs the surgeon's hands as he/she performs this surgery in Jesus' Name.  Amen.  Also your continued prayers for Aunt Mabel and her family due to the lost of Uncle Charles.  Call mother for the phone number.  Thank you.
Here is today's Bible lesson:

Psalm 19:7-11

All Scripture is given by
inspiration of God, and is
profitable for...righteousness.
-2 Timothy 3:16

I once resolved to read all 38 of Shakespeare's plays in one year.  To my surprise, fulfilling the task seemed far more like entertainment than work.  I expected to learn about Shakespear's world and the people who inhabited it, but I found that Shakespeare mainly taught me about my world.

I went through precisely that same process in encountering the Old Testament.  Why does it spend so much time on temples, priests, and rules about sacrifices that no longer exists?  How can we make sense of the Old Testament, and how does it apply to our lives today?

As I worked past some of the barriers, I came to feel a need to read because of what it was teaching me.  Eventually I found myself wanting to read those 39 books.  They were satisfying a hunger in me that nothing else had.  They taught me about life with God.

The Old Testament speaks to our hunger.  It gives an advanced course of " Life With God," expressed in a style both personal and passionate.

The rewards offered do not come easily.  All achievements requries a similar process of hard work, we persevere because the rewards will come. -Philip Yancey

A glory gilds the sacred page,
Majestic like the sun;
It gives a light to every age,
It gives, but borrows none. -Cowper
The Bible gives us a picture of who we really are.

In this psalm, David reflects on how God has revealed Himself to the human race so that we can know Him.  He reveals Himself through His created works (vv. 1-6) and also through His spoken Word (vv.7-14).  According to Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe, "The heavens declare God's glory, and the Scriptiures declare His grace."  God's Word is the perfect law, containing trustworthy statues, right precepts, radiant commands, and changeless and righteous ordinances (vv.7-9).  God's Word revives the soul, gives wisdom and joy, and enlightens those who obey it, guiding them into holinesss and righteousness (vv. 7-13).

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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