Wednesday, January 25, 2012


What God Has Given Us

You need to have compassion in order to heal the
hurts and hearts of others. 

When God looks at us, He looks at what is on the
inside.  God looks at our heart.  Man looks at the
outside appearance.  He looks at the physical
appearance.  He looks at what he can see.

It’s like looking into a mirror.  You see a reflection.
God’s mirror reveals the inward condition.  God sees
your inward beauty.

When we start to see through the eyes of God, our
focus will no longer be on looks, our focus will be on

God sends us trials along the way.  In life’s struggle
when we obey God, we become true conquerors. 
God lets us go through trials not because He wants to
impair us but because He wants to improve us.

When we ask God to put His mark of ownership on our
lives, we accept His wise and His loving provision for all
our needs no matter what they are.

We will be happy once we realize that God has already
given us what we need.

Trust God in all things.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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