Sunday, January 15, 2012


A Politically Incorrect Fear

We need to have a politically incorrect fear for God.

We have to stand for God, put our faith and trust
in Him not in man.  We don’t belong to this world
because if we did this world would love us.

God has chosen us out of this world and that is why
this world hates us.  The world hated Christ first,
(John 15:18).

We trust God to please Him.  When we fear and
please people this leads us to do things that dishonors
God.  If we fear God first, we are going to look foolish
to the world and if we please God first, we are going
to look foolish to the world.

If it seems that we are out of our mind or that we have
gone crazy, it’s because we are doing what is right and
that is God’s will.  If it seems that we are in our mind,
we are pleasing God not man.  To the world we seem

Always keep in mind not to fear the one who can hurt
just the physical body, we need to fear the One who can
destroy the body and the soul in hell, (Matthew 10:28).

Fear/Respect God at all times.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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