Tuesday, January 31, 2012


What Christmas Is All About

Christmas is about the necessity of the new birth.
Jesus was born so you and I can be born again.

Christmas is about the possibility of freedom.
Jesus was born on Christmas to set the human
spirit free from sin.

Christmas is about the promise of love.  God
loved this world that He gave His only begotten
Son.  The power of the truth that God is love is
shown when God allowed His Son to be born
in a stable, (Luke 2:6-7).

God sent His Son from glory and brought Him
into the world to be born in a stable.  God
reached down to us, (Philippians 2:8).

God labored for us by stepping down as a child.
God humbled Himself.  God allowed His Son to
be a target for murder, (Matthew 2:13).  God
allowed His Son to be put on a hit list.

There is human and demonic evil but God is with
us, (1 Peters 5:7).  Even as Christ is on the hit list,
those who follow Him is on the hit list too.  We
are called to live for Christ.  We need to put on
the full armor of God. 

God labored in love by allowing His Son to become
a refuge for us, (Matthew 2:14-15).  Out of Egypt
God brought His Son.  You can be a refuge out your
state of mind.

Jesus felt that He did not belong.  He had no place
to lay His head.  Earth was not His home. 

Following Christ today makes us a stranger in a foreign
country.  Refugees take refuge in God and His promise.


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