Sunday, January 15, 2012


A Politically Incorrect Purpose For Living

The U.N.’s representatives plead their case to the nation.
They plead the agenda for their country.  They plead for
peace with one another.

Nature pleads for God.  The scriptures plead for God’s ways.
The scriptures describe the ways of God better than we can.

We are not the best witnesses for God’s character.  Jesus is
the best witness for God’s character.  We are to plead to God
for reconciliation.  We proclaim and plead to the world to be
reconciled to God, (II Corinthians 5:17-21).

God needs us to plead for reconciliation.  He cannot do that
by Himself.  We beseech you for Christ’s sake that we be
reconciled to God.

Everyone and everything in the universe needs reconciliation.
We need to be atoned.  We need to be right with God.  Nations
 need to be right with other nations.

As ambassadors of Christ we are politically incorrect.  To be
politically correct we have to lie.  Our lives have to be politically

We need to have a purpose in life and that purpose is to please
God.  The world needs to know that we as ambassadors live to
please God. 

We were born on this earth by God’s purpose and for His purpose.
It is a full-time job, not a part-time job.

Be reconciled to God.  NOW.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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