Thursday, January 12, 2012


Which Stone, White or Black?

If we go back in time and think of the laws and court
procedures of ancient times this comes to my mind.
When a person was guilty and condemned of a crime
in ancient time, he/she would receive a black stone
with his/her name on it.  If that person was considered
to be innocent or acquitted of that crime, he/she would
receive a white stone. 

In ancient Olympic games, the winner of a competition
was given a white stone.  This stone represented a
token of honor to that athlete who won. 

People who are living in sin have received the black
stone.  They will be judged on judgment day.  Their
destination is hell. 

Now the people who have put their faith and trust in
Christ Jesus for salvation will receive a white stone
representing their acquittal from God’s judgment.
Their destination is heaven.

If you receive Christ in your heart and life, you will
receive a white stone.  “I will give him a white stone
and on the stone a new name written which no one
knows except him who receives it”, (Revelation 2:17).

Which stone do you want to receive today?

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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