Wednesday, January 18, 2012


God’s Light Is The Right Light

If you are a sinner, God’s light and truth will
convict you.

If you are a saint, God’s light and truth will
guide you.

When you think of a lighthouse, you think of
its purpose.  The bring shiny light prevents
ships from going to close to shore where they
can be destroyed.

God’s light saves our souls from sin.  With God
in our life we will have eternal life.  We won’t
be destroyed.

If we are lost in sin, we are cast out into outer
darkness (Matthews 8:12). 

In order to get the feeling of outer darkness,
picture yourself in an unfamiliar place.  Now
turn off all the lights.  You can feel the darkness.

If you add fire to that darkness you now have a
sense of what hell would be like.  You feel pain
and can’t even see your hand in front of you.

Trust in God and He will bring you salvation and
you will be walking in His light forever.

Walk into the light, God’s light.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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