Monday, January 16, 2012


Creation or Evolution?

The Bible states that God created the heavens
and the earth found in Genesis 1:1. 

Christ was the tiny Baby in the manger many
years ago in Bethlehem who is the mighty
Creator of the universe.  God created man in
His own image as we read in Genesis 1:26.

Evolution, what is evolution?  Evolution in
biology believes that the continual process
of which one form of life changes or evolves
into another form and descends from one or
several kinds of simple organisms.

Evolution believes that there was some kind of
explosion in the universe and through that
explosion life was formed.

Who formed that first explosion that cause life
to form?  God is in the equation of the so call
Evolution Theory and God is in the equation of

When you try to leave God out of any equation,
the answer will always be zero.  God created
life/man and let’s not forget that.

God is the beginning and the end of all life form.
Put your trust in God.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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