Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Living A Christian Life

Jesus is the only man in history that lived a pure
Christian life.  He had His loving Father to help Him.
He also had the indwelling of the Spirit of God.  The
only way we can live a Christian life is to have the
indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

God gives us eternal life which is a gift from Him.  The
Father gave us Christ and Christ gave us the Father.  We
are loved so much that the Father and the Son exchanged

Eternal life is existence forever with a relationship with God.
Your relationship with God makes the difference in your life.
You have a surrender, exchanged and deeper life in the Lord.

If you live for the Lord, you will see results in your life.  You
will realize that you want God’s kingdom built not yours.  You
will want to proclaim the name of Jesus.  You will want to know
what the Bible says.  You will want to be enlightened by God’s spirit.
You will want to be empowered by God’s spirit not yours. 

When you grieve the Holy Spirit, you need to repent and ask for
forgiveness.  You want to have a Kingdom Spirit.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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