Thursday, January 19, 2012


Salvation or Wrath?

The Gospel contains many great truths.
The Gospel is about Christ being born.

Jesus was born so that our human spirit
could be set free.  Jesus was born to introduce
us to the love Of God, (John 3:16).  Jesus was
born to rescue you and I from the wrath of a
Holy, Righteous and Just God.

God’s purpose for sending Jesus into the world
was not to condemn/judge the world but to
save us, (John 3:17). He didn’t’ come to find us
guilty and condemn us to death. Jesus came to
save, to declare the human race not guilty. 

Jesus came to free us from condemnation, to
empower us to eternal life.  Jesus was born to
rescue us from death.

Jesus came for one purpose, to rescue all who
are willing to jump into His arms.  We have to
make a choice to believe or not believe.

Whoever believes is saved.  Whoever doesn’t
believe is then sentence to a life of eternity
in hell.  Whoever does not believe in Jesus is
already condemned to death.

We are invited to choose the truth.  We don’t
need to choose the darkness.  We can still sin
but we don’t have to sin because God will forgive. 

Choose life today in Jesus Christ.  AMEN

Verified Information  January 2007

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