Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Shattered Things

We go through life with a goal in mind.  We feel
we can reach that goal under our own strength.
We sometimes find that we cannot fulfill that
goal without some form of an interruption or
some form of disappointment along the way.
But what might seem like an interruption or a
disappointment to us can be in fact an appointment
or invitation from God.

If we have a tragedy in our life this can be the very
opportunity that God chooses to exhibit His
divine love and grace to us.

A person whose life has been shattered usually
become a more effective Christian compared to
a person that feels he achieved his goal on his own.

We receive the best things in life when we let God
have His way in our life.  Keep in mind, “No good
thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly”
(Psalm 84:11). 

As a Christian we become a whole person after we
have been shattered.  The pieces are put back
together even stronger than before.


Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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