Monday, January 9, 2012


Are You A Rabbit-Hole Christian?

When you think of the life of a rabbit, it is a
simple life.  The rabbit stays with other rabbits.
The rabbit doesn’t try to make friends with
other animals. When the rabbit is hungry he
looks for other rabbits to eat all of his meals
with.  If he doesn’t see any other rabbits he eats

Some Christians are the same way.  When they
have their meals, they look for other Christians
to eat with.  Some Christians avoid being social
with the unbelievers.  If they are invited to go
out with an unbeliever they wouldn’t dare.  This
gives the unbelievers the right to equate some
Christians as being self-righteous. 

We as Christians are to be like Jesus.  Jesus won
people’s respect and heart by caring for all, believers
and unbelievers. 

Let’s not be rabbit-hole Christians.  Let’s socialize
With all to make sure they know of Christ’s love.

Are you a Rabbit-Hole Christian?

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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