Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Chasing After Unimportant Things

In today’s society we chase after things that
are not important to our future.  Some people
might chase after owning a house.  Some people
might chase after owning a car.  Some people
might chase after earning a lot of money and
some people might chase after getting an education.
All of the above is fine to want but our main focus
that we should chase after is to know God and live
abundantly through Him.

The way we can receive that knowledge is by
reading the word of Life, the Bible.  We always find
some excuse not to read the Bible.  It is not because
we don’t have the time to read the Bible, it is because
our heart is not into reading the Bible.  The Bible is the
Book to read to find everything we need for “Life and
Godliness” (II Peters 1:3).

God’s word is true.  God’s word is rich.  You can find
riches and truths in God’s word when study joined
with prayer.  Chase after God.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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