Sunday, January 1, 2012


Cries for Forgiveness

Always Remember!

I’ve heard your cries for forgiveness.  They touched
deep down in my heart and my soul.  I will never
forget your cries, for my heart was crying along with
you because my love for you is so deep.  I told you I
forgive you and now you have to ask God to forgive
you.  You then took my advice and asked God our
Father to forgive you.  You felt His presence when you
asked Him to forgive you and right then and there you
felt that deep burden lifted off your shoulders.  You had
joy and peace in your heart because you knew God had
forgiven you.  I then told you that you had to forgive
yourself.  Again, you took that step and asked God to
help you forgive yourself.  You did.  Your soul/spirit is
now free.  When God forgives you, whatever you have
done  in the past is thrown into the sea of forgetfulness. 
Your slate is clean and you start life anew.  Remember,
God will forgive you of all your sins just ask and believe
in Him.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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