Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The Hole of a Doughnut

When you purchase a doughnut, what do you see?
What attracts your attention to the doughnut you
chose?  The hole of a doughnut attracts your
attention.  It seems that you just look pass the
doughnut and that is the part you are going to eat.
The doughnut is good in your mouth.  The hole is
non-existent once you bite into the doughnut.
You can’t taste the hole.  It has no flavor.

That is how some Christians live their life.  They
don’t put their faith/hope and trust in God.  They
put their faith/hope and trust in everything else,
things that are not important and things that don’t
matter in the end.

We should concentrate on the trials of this life.
We should always put our undivided attentions
on our blessings.  We have to keep praising God
so we don’t be distracted by the hole of a doughnut
which represents sin in the world, (Psalm 103:2).
Put your faith/hope trust in God.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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