Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The Need To Control The Tongue

Our tongue is such a small part of our body
but it can do a lot of damage when spoken
with anger.  Just as a small spark of fire can
destroy a forest, our tongue can destroy lives.
If you put a bridle in a horse’s mouth you have
control over that horse.  A ship as big as it is
can be controlled by a very small rudder. 
Man can tame/control creatures in the sea,
birds of the air and all kinds of animals but
he cannot tame/control his own tongue.
The tongue can contain evil and deadly poison
in our words, as the deadly liquid poison in a
snake’s bite, or in a scorpion’s sting.
God is the only one who can tame/control man’s
tongue.  So if you want to achieve this control,
let God be the center of your life.
The tongue is to be used to praise God.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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