Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Share What You Benefit From

If you take one bee and place the bee over a
honeycomb, it will discover the treasure of the
honey.  Allow the bee to go free.  The bee will come
back with a few of his friends and they will discover
the honey also.  Within a short period of time the
whole swarm of bees will go to the honeycomb and
discover the treasure of the honey.

We as Christians should learn from the bee in finding
a treasure and sharing it with the whole hive/world.
We who know the Gospel of Jesus Christ should share
that knowledge with our neighbors.  We need to let
them know that Jesus came down from heaven where
He was comfortable to this earth where He took on
human form and gave His life for all to have a chance
to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven.  He suffered
for our sins and with His death and resurrection, we
now have the opportunity to make it into heaven.
Once we have a taste of salvation, we should share it
with others.

Let’s share what we have benefitted from, Jesus Christ’s
salvation, with others.  GOD IS LOVE.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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