Monday, January 2, 2012


Characteristics Of The Holy Spirit

God is the Spirit of Access.
Jesus will bring us closer to the Father.  The
Holy Spirit allows us access to the Father,
(Ephesians 2:18)- “For through Him we both
Have access by one Spirit unto the Father.”
God is the Spirit of Power.
Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we
receive power to strengthen us in every way
to be children of God, (Ephesians 3:16) –“That
 He would grant you according to the riches
of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His
Spirit in the inner man”.  God gives us power to
deal with weakness.  We have no reason to live
weak and vulnerable lives.
God is the Spirit of Unity and Peace.
Our world is crazy but God’s Spirit gives us unity
and the bond of peace, (Ephesians 4:3) –
“Endeavoring to keep the unit of the Spirit
in the bond of peace”.  Jesus Christ is the Spirit of
Peace.  He will give us peace in the midst of a storm.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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