Monday, January 2, 2012


Trues In Serving God

There are idols on every corner telling us to
bow down and serve them.  Where do we find
the strength not to?  We find the strength in
the Holy Spirit which indwells in us.  We want to
give God thanks more than anything, (Ephesians
 5:20).  We are blessed but not always thankful.
When do we give thanks? ALWAYS.  Who do we
give thanks to?  GOD.  Thanks for what?  EVERYTHING.
We are to give thanks for the bad things.  Things can’t
work together but God makes all things work together.
We are to serve others before we serve our own needs,
(Ephesians 5:21).  We do that because Jesus came not
to be served but to serve.  When we are empowered by
the spirit we are at peace, we have love, affection, honor,
harmony, unity of spirit, care and concern for one another.
We want to live our lives empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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