Monday, January 2, 2012


Am I Guided By The Holy Spirit?

How will I know when my life is truly being
guided by the Holy Spirit?  You will know
that your life is truly being guided by the
Holy Spirit when you find yourself wanting
to worship God more than ever.  You can
have your private time worshipping God but
also corporately you need to worship Him.
As Christians we need to worship God together.
We need each other.  God wants us to worship
Him musically too.  Music is a response to God.   
 If you can’t sing well, then make a joyful noise
unto the Lord.  Sing within reason especially if
you can’t sing.  Don’t try to overpower other
people with your voice.  You are to worship God
from your heart.  You are to worship in spirit and
in truth.  When you give your body to God,
worship Him Spiritually, (Romans 12:1-2).
Worship is for the Lord Jesus Christ.  You were
not put here to worship mankind, nature, science
and its methodology, the human race or yourself.
You are to acknowledge God and only GOD.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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